American College Testing (ACT) is an educational organization specializing in testing students for post-secondary admission. The ACT test is recognized by American universities as college admission criteria, just like the SAT however, ACT is more than just an equivalent alternative to SAT. ACT offers a full menu of educational and scholastic services. While Lead My World USA offers all services provided by ACT, our main focus is the Global Assessment Certification (GAC), a pathway to university admission with 33 to 36 earned credit hours in hundreds of institutions. LMW has established an ACT Global Assessment Certification (GAC) Center at the training Institute of Capital Medical University, Beijing. Our GAC Center is one of a kind as we recruit Chinese and international students who can also live in our international dorms. Our faculty includes teachers from USA, Canada, UK, China and other countries. Our GAC graduates can apply in high ranking universities with an easy access to the pathway partner universities and get counseling from our international admission experts.